
My name is Paul and this is my blog.


StartupsFailures blog is a by-product of my education, experiences, joy, pain, etc., in my entrepreneurial journey.

I have been longing to collate and document all my trials and errors, small businesses ventures (online and offline) that I have done throughout the years for my own record and for the purpose of helping others to avoid all those startups failures and how to increased the rate of their success in doing a startup or side hustle.

Due to my limited skills, experiences, time, and many others at that time, creating this blog was dragged on for many years before it came to fruition.

I thank God, my Lord Jesus Christ, for helping me finish some of the articles that you will read in this blog, and I hope that it will give you a massive value or the least inspire you that will affect a positive change in your life.

The entrepreneurial journey might not be for all, but it’s one of the fastest ways you can increase your income, hopefully, be financially free, and use that freedom, not for yourselves but for the glory of God.

No matter what your plan is, it’s always a good thing to have a vision in your life. As Proverbs 29:18 says,”…Where there is no vision, the people perish…” Don’t be perished simply because of not having a vision.

A familiar quote is ringing in my ear about planning, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!”

Whether you’re poor or rich, you need to plan at the end of the day. Some people are not fully aware of the power of planning. It would be best if you plan on how to save money, what job to take, what business to venture into, etc. I have tackled some of those topics in this blog and hope they can help you in a very special way.

Lastly, I hope to meet you all and learn from you all along the way of my blogging journey, and hopefully, you guys will learn and be inspired as well by me likewise.

Thanks for reading.

-Paul P.


Starting a Side Hustle

Startups Failures to Avoid

Avoid these things if you don't want your startup to fail.

How to Start a Side Hustle

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How to Build your Own Website

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Side Hustle Ideas

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How To Fund Your Side Hustle

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